A Gentle Giant in Twilight: Retired K9 Taz Enjoys His Golden Years

In the cozy corners of a loving home, a veteran police dog named Taz finds joy and peace in his retirement. Taz, a majestic 16-and-a-half-year-old former K9 of the Citrus Heights Police Department, is not just a cherished family member but also a local legend. The...

Woodland PD’s Newest Four-Legged Enforcer: K9 Bruno Hits the Ground Running

The Woodland Police Department proudly announces the latest addition to its K9 unit, a partnership that exemplifies dedication and enthusiasm for law enforcement. Officer Jacobo and K9 Bruno, as captured in the attached image, have completed a rigorous 320-hour basic...

A New Four-Legged Officer in Town: Roseville PD Welcomes K9 Bordy

In the heart of Roseville, there's a new hero with a nose for safety and a heart for service. Meet K9 Bordy, the latest addition to the Roseville Police Department's K9 unit, whose arrival is met with widespread enthusiasm and anticipation. Bordy, whose keen eyes and...
Thank you for Donating!

Thank you for Donating!

The 2015 list is being compiled. Thank you, thank you, thank you! – 2014 Individual & Business Donors – *=monthly donor, #=in memory of Kevin Tonn INDIVIDUAL DONORS BUSINESS DONORS Danelle Adams* Bryon & Julie Baldwin Beth Dovi* # Morna Stephens* Brian Harris...

Officer Lombardo & Bruno

Officer Lombardo & Bruno

Officer Lombardo started his career with theYolo  County Sheriff’s Dept. He always wanted to be a K9 Handler. In 2006 he  joined Citrus Heights where he became a K9 Handler. He was partnered with his first K9, Darko. Darko was a German Sheperd imported from Germany....

Citrus Heights P.D. Teams Officer Hatchell & Zeus

Citrus Heights P.D. Teams Officer Hatchell & Zeus

Officer Hatchell has been with the Citrus Heights P.D. since 2006. Prior to Citrus Heights  Officer Hatchell worked patrol as a FTO and SWAT for 6 years in Delano Ca. Officer Hatchell and Zeus have been a team since Jan. 2011. Zeus is a 3 year old German Shepherd from...